Tour Sponsors

  • AFL Architects

    AFL Architects create inspiring, commercial and people-centred design. Across 25 countries, AFL has been fortunate to work on some of the highest profile arenas, stadia, training facilities and event masterplans in the world, but have never lost sight of our strengths - to be agile, collaborative and both architecturally and technically excellent.

    The Sports & Leisure sector has been core to our practice since its very foundation, ensuring absolute expertise and massive ambitions. We position ourselves at the intersection of boutique and large-scale. That guarantees direct accountability, a consistent level of quality and personal commitment for our clients, while also attracting the very best individual talent.

    The practice is a strong advocate of the intersection between stadiums, arenas, and regenerative developments. Our teams are currently working on integrating several within larger masterplans in both town centres and leisure destinations.

    The practice has recently been awarded the new Marine Lake Events Centre in Southport, a testament to our reputation as experts in designing and delivering public sector funded, mid-sized regenerative venues. AFL has also designed and delivered the multi-award-winning Bonus Arena in Hull, setting the benchmark for viability, quality and excellence.

    The delivery of Copr Bay, with Swansea Arena at its heart, is the practice’s latest project and one which has transformed the city waterfront.

  • d&b audiotechnik

    d&b audiotechnik is internationally regarded as a thought leader delivering professional audio solutions. Founded in Germany in 1981, d&b has gained a reputation for quality of engineering, standard of service, system integration principles, and pioneering technological development. Company headquarters are located in Backnang, near Stuttgart, where research, development and production take place. Together with branch offices worldwide, the d&b team numbers 650.
    Stephen Hogg