Martin Glass

Director gmp - Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner

Martin Glass is Director at gmp Architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partner at the Berlin office and specialist for sports buildings and stadium design. He has led a variety of projects over his 20-year career, from master plans to lightweight membrane constructions. His award-winning designs illustrate his vision and ability to create exciting and unique fan experiences.
Martin is a creative, design-oriented manager who leads global and local teams and works with colleagues in a multinational and intercultural environment. With his German and Latin American roots, he was the ideal fit to lead the gmp office in Rio de Janeiro and be responsible for the gmp projects of the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil.
Martin Glass has worked in the office of Gerkan, Marg and Partners since 1999. In 2001 he was awarded the Egon Eiermann Prize. Martin regularly holds lectures and cooperates with various German universities.

Selected Projects
Olympic Stadium Berlin, Germany
Renovation, refurbishment and installation of the roof for the FIFA World Cup 2006 |
Position: Roof Project Manager, Client: City of Berlin, GFA: 101.500 m², Capacity: 76,000,

Commerzbank Arena, Frankfurt, Germany
Transformation of the stadium for the FIFA World Cup 2006 | Position: Project Manager,
Client: City of Frankfurt am Main, GFA: 138,000 m², Capacity: 48,000, Duration:

Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town, South Africa
Stadium for the FIFA World Cup | Position: Project Manager, Client: City of Cape Town, spv
2010, Capacity: 68,000, Duration: 2007-2009

Arena da Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil
Stadium for the FIFA World Cup 2014, LEED Silver | Position: General Project Manager, Client:
Companhia de Desenvolvimento do Estado do Amazonas, Capacity: 44,400, Duration:

Estádio Nacional de Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
Stadium for the FIFA World Cup 2014, LEED Platinum | Position: General Project Manager,
Client: Consórcion Entap-Protende-TBB, Capacity: 72,800, Duration: 2010-2013

Estádio Mineriâo, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Stadium for the FIFA Soccer World Cup 2014 modernization, renovation & roofing | Position:
General Project Manager, Client: Departamento de Obras Públicas do

Estado de Minas
Gerais, Capacity: 66,000, Duration: 2010-2013
Estadio Santiago Bernabéu, Madrid, Spain
Modernization and expansion including roofing of the stadium | Position: Project Manager,
Client: Real Madrid C.F., Capacity: 90,000, Duration: 2014-2020

Company representative Juliette Ferté